Wireless Standards

While it’s possible to create a private network “island” of 4G or 5G connected solutions a more realistic scenario is the co-existence of multiple networks supporting your use cases and handling data, mobility and use case specific issues with the best fit technology.

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 In general alignment to IEEE and 3GPP based standards will provide a bigger ecosystem but there are occasional exceptions.

4G (LTE) : Billions of devices globally deployed, bands and devices specific to areas needed; large ecosystem of devices and tried and true security ; bands are licensed and protected from interference
5G : Stand-Alone (SA) and Non Stand-Alone (NSA) refers to deployments that can exist entirely in the 5G realm, or deployments that leverage existing 4G components
5G : FR1 and FR2 refers to the general frequency range of the deployment ; FR2 are high frequency bands (mmWave or uWave) with a very high data capacity but short range , while FR1 bands are aligned with the more commonly deployed bands similar to LTE that have very large coverage scenarios for outdoors or high capacity for indoors
CBRS : Unique to USA, it’s a specific cellular band that currently supports LTE protocol operation and (soon) 5G protocol ; this is the workhorse of Private Cellular in the USA ; it is lightly licensed and has protection from interferers while enjoying the benefits and stability of LTE equipment, devices, SW and operating protocols
Cat M and NB-IOT : A low power (and low data) standard included within the 4G and 5G framework ; battery powered devices with long life - different end devices and select bands compared to the the mainstream 4G and 5G devices
LoRa : Proprietary network standard developed for low power and Long Range battery powered sensor communications needs ; some classes of devices support reduced downlink latency for actuators
Sigfox: Similar to LoRa in terms of low power, long range for IoT devices; also operates in unlicensed bands and uses proprietary technology for the devices
Ingenu : Another LoRa competitor for long range and low power sensors operating in unlicensed bands; has had several mis steps and reboots as a company
WiFi 5 : Most commonly used connection technology in use today ; run on unlicensed bands shared by all devices
WiFi 6 / 6E : Newer WiFi standard that has certain benefits like supporting more simultaneous connected devices and a more efficient scheduling mechanism ; 6E adds new spectrum increasing the total capacity of a 6E network ; requires compatible AP and devices but AP is backwards compatible with older devices on network ; still unlicensed in operation
Satellite : sometimes needed for remote connections where terrestrial networks are not available at all; links to data centers, core networks, authentication servers, limited internet and maybe even voice ; could be stationary or mobile
New Satellite Broadband : low earth orbit networks promising lower latency and higher throughput to devices ; this is up and coming technology that will have applications for difficult to reach places
Unlicensed Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint : Most commonly used for wireless broadband internet distribution but has applications for building connectivity, backhaul, remote cameras or other limited distance and mobility needs
Licensed Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint : Uses bands that require FCC (or equivalent) licensing so when utilized under your license terms it is a dedicated channel and protected from interference; mostly commonly used for backhaul, remote camera clusters, or bridging multiple sites with high capacity links that would be difficult via wired structure

Example of Broad Network Knowledge Need :

Smart City Deployment

CBRS LTE Private Network used for : connected worker devices ; internet access for underserved population segments (health and education access) ; remote camera safety ; traffic cameras; Air Quality monitoring stations
LTE with MNO : phones; same as CBRS for locations where CBRS isn’t deployed
Unlicensed Point-to-Point Links: used to connect several cell sites where fiber was not available
Cat M : Water flow and security monitoring at sites along the town canal
LoRa : Water gauge monitoring at remote sites around the town for early flood detection; monitoring of gates for access areas around closed facilities
WiFi 5 : Various legacy devices; lots of in building usage is typical for smart thermostats, cameras, and worker devices (laptops and phones)
WiFi 6 : Under consideration for indoor locations (Library, Office Buildings)