4 Pillars of Success for a Private Cellular Deployment

IoT and MTC Requirements and Use Cases

IoT needs broken down to specific use cases, scenarios, and expected outcomes

Wireless Expertise in Cellular and Unlicensed

Apply different network technologies for different needs, outcomes and device support

Devices and End Points for Communication

End points that deliver expected security, performance, range and capabilities

Delivered Results and Measurable Value

A plan to get a specific use case outcome and a method to test and verift it


150MHz of CBRS Spectrum


OnGo Alliance Certified Devies


Different Use Cases


It's all about the expectations - setting them and delivering to them.

Companies that struggled meeting their PVN deployment (CBRS, LTE, 5G) goals successfully had several things in common, including poorly defined use cases, a missing digital transformation plan, incumbent vendors leading the entire proposal and a mismatch between ecosystem partners.

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5G in Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

5G is here. Smart, connected manufacturing environments are no longer a promise of the future—they’re being built today. Reduced latency, improved...
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Wireless Standards

While it’s possible to create a private network “island” of 4G or 5G connected solutions a more realistic scenario is the co-existence of...
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As your solution architect we work with the vertical experts to collaborate on unique needs and use cases that will benefit from the PVN solutions.We...
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